Monday, May 8, 2023

Impromptu Chalk Brush and Decent Digital Drawing

 No more Fafhrd updates til he's done, I don't want to spoil the surprize.  It's going well, if slowly. I'm finally done constructing the axe and the hands, and back to actually painting on the figure again. 

I've figured out a couple of important things that will really help me work on this kind of hybrid drawing/painting in the future, and I want to record them here so I don't forget. 

Chalk Brush

First, there doesn't seem to be a chalk brush anymore in Elements. It was one of my favorites. But I've found a way to chalk up whatever brush you're using—just open Brush Settings and raise the scatter. Simple. 

Drawing decent lines digitally

Second, a way to make lines that match the pencil lines, and also this allows me to draw much more accurately with the stylus. You don't just make a sinlge line and leave it, you go back and forth between cutting in and cutting out. meaning make the line, but make it thick and chunky, and then come in with background color and cut in along the edges to shape it. You do this a few times each way and you can make a decent facsimile of my type of pencil drawing with the built-up thick linework. I use a blend of both soft and hard round brushes for it. 

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